
Keep your head high – even when crisis strikes

You can’t not be affected when an entire global community is struck by fear, panic and restrictions. Thousands and thousands of people are infected by the corona virus, and many more have isolated themselves in their homes, as told by their governments.

Business life all over the world has seized, and the future seems more uncertain than ever before. In the world of sports, everything has been paused. Even the greatest sporting events has either been cancelled or moved to new dates.

As a sportsperson, crisis isn’t really new to you. Every time you have struggled with your sport, every time you didn’t perform, every time you made unneccesary mistakes, you experienced a small crisis – to you. Right now, we are all stuck in the middle of the same crisis, but the feelings we endure are basically the same.

So … what now? It seems easy to just give in to worries and thoughts about what the world will look like on the other side of the pandemic. All these frightening thoughts are affecting your mind and makes it harder for you to handle the challenges you are facing. That goes both for now and after the pandemic, when your best performance might be crucial.

But you can’t do anything but follow the guidance from your government. Stay at home. Use hand sanitizer. Keep a distance to other people. There are no other things that you can do. Right?

If our Prime Minister were to give out just one more advice, I would recommend her to ask every citizen to write three good things that had happened during the day, every evening before going switching the lights off. And, more importantly, why you think they were good.

It is proven that positive thinking – even in a situation like this – will keep spirits high and aids your mental health.

In the coming days, I will share thoughts, exercises and advice to help you keep a positive mind and practice your brain and mind.

If you need a conversation with me, we can always meet and talk online. This way, the only thing you can contract, is positive vibes 😉